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000138_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Wed Jan 28 19:27:23 1998.msg
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>From amos-request@svcs1.digex.net Wed Jan 28 19:27:23 1998
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Wed, 28 Jan 1998 20:58:54 +0100
From: Pietro Ghizzoni <ghizzo@agonet.it>
Reply-To: Pietro Ghizzoni <ghizzo@agonet.it>
To: Jens Vang Petersen <top_cat@post8.tele.dk>,
Alastair Murray <malcolm.murray@virgin.net>,
Amos-List <amos-list@access.digex.net>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 20:56:02 +0100
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X-Mailer: YAM 1.3.5 - Amiga Mailer by Marcel Beck
Organization: Dairymen Soft
Subject: Re: sorry for this....
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Status: RO
On 27-Gen-98, Jens Vang Petersen wrote: Re: sorry for this....
The GUI Extension is the result of years of frustrations using the bugged
intuition extension and waiting the official intuition support by F. Lionet
My frustrations are the frustrations of all the Amos users:
- no AGA support
- no intuition
- no standard GUI
- my programs eat upto 80% of the CPU power!
- no multitasking
And so i've created a extension that solve all this problem, and offers a
easy way to handle everything, using simple/fast ready made commands for
all the boring/repetative intuition operations like open windows, handle
gadgets, events and so on.
The OS Dev Kit does the same things, but in a different way. You must handle
everything manually... IMHO it isn't a good idea, expecially for
GUI/intuition based operations.
>Just a note, there's actualy two great AGA-supporting extensions in beta-
>state right now. The new GUI, and the new OS DevKit. For those complaining
>about the OS DevKit being hard to use (like myselve) it's now including
>some very easy-to-use screens, windows and gadgets commands, one of the
Very well, a good news, but there are some considerations to do:
- The OS needs some commands to define gadgets, and open the window. When
you'll compile the program, the executable size will be bigger than the GUI
ext. equivalent... and also the GUI will be faster due to the use of GUI
banks, wich old all the infos in a "precalculated" way to speedup operations.
- Define your gadgets directly in Amos may be usefull if you must do some
little changes in your GUI... but in the 90% of the cases is a disadvantage!
Create a interface without a WYSIWYG editor is a frustation! (see the AMOS
interface language for example) for this reason exists the GadToolsBox, the
MUI Builder and the other ones.
>best features is that it's capable of fully supporting datatypes and
>locales in your programs (localisation is almost imposible with GUI as far
>as I know for now)
The upcoming version 1.7 doesn't fully support localisation... it will be
ready in the v1.71 but with some extras ;) i.e. the user can translate in
real-time your GUI without waiting that someone release the catalogs
>I hope noone takes this too serious but I'm a bit pissed by always hearing
>that the GUI is the best solution for intuition and it's the only serious
>looking extension for AGA users.. WRONG, GUI might still be the easist to
>use, but OS gives much better control for whatever you plan to make, and
much better control????? Let me an example......
Using the Gui Wait command only, you are able to control a unlimited number
of windows, the Arexx port of your program and 32 internet connections!
Try to do the same with the OS Dev Kit and see how complex (and big) your
will be thanks to the 'better control'
Also consider the GUI Ext. automatic hotkeys support and gadget-links. In the
v1.7 there is also a on-line help like MUI!
>no. 1 choice from now on... And by the way, there's a little program that
>can convert a GUI build with GAD-tools-box to a pice of OS-source :))
Not very usefull... because:
when you've created your GUI using the Gadtoolsbox, you must convert the GUI
into AMOS-OS code, and merge it into your program. OK... but if in the future
you must modify the GUI you shall convert the new GUI into OS commands,
delete the old ones from your AMOS program, and merge the new ones.
Using the GUI banks and running the GUI Converter as accessory, you can
your GUI automatically, without modify your source code.
I'm sorry for the big late... but now i'm busy with another great project!
In the *near* future you'll agree with me that there is a very good reason!!
Anyway if you want, you can mix the GUI Extension and the OS Dev Kit, and
obtain the best of the 2 worlds! :)
o o
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| Pietro Ghizzoni - Dairymen Soft __ /// Amiga 12OO |
| E-Mail: ghizzo@agonet.it \\\/// 'O3O 5OMhz |
| Team AMIGA \/// 18MB - CD4x |
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| Amos Professional Team Coordinator AMIGA RULEZ!! |
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